

We’re a full-cycle design and development team. We build complex
mobile appsand progressive
web appswithAI integrations.

  • 2020

    year founded

  • Charlotte, NC


  • 30

    members worldwide


Our services

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    Mobile App Development

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    Web App Development

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    AI App Development

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    AI Integrations

Our team

We based in US, but our team consists of 30 professionals from all over the world.

Here's howwe createour best apps

  • Project evaluation

    Every great app starts with a strong foundation. Our journey begins with Project Evaluation. At this stage, we thoroughly delve into understanding your vision, objectives, and target audience. We conduct extensive market research, identify potential challenges, and define the project scope.

  • UX/UI Design & Prototyping

    After understanding your project's goals, we set our creative minds in motion. Our talented designers work closely with you to create a user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) that captivate users while also offering intuitive navigation. Using wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes, we bring your vision to life on the screen, ensuring that the design aligns with your brand identity.

  • Full-stack Development

    Our experienced developers utilize the latest technologies to build a strong and scalable app. We follow agile methodologies, dividing the development process into sprints for improved transparency and flexibility. During this phase, we emphasize code quality, security, and performance to ensure that the app not only looks great but also functions seamlessly.

  • QA and Testing

    Our dedicated QA team carefully examines every feature, functionality, and aspect of the app. We simulate real-world user scenarios to identify and fix any potential issues. Our goal is to deliver an app that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, ensuring a smooth user experience.

  • App Launch

    We will help you navigate the complexities of submitting your app to the app store and optimize its visibility. By using pre-launch marketing strategies, we will generate excitement among your target audience. On launch day, we will closely monitor the release process to ensure a smooth and successful launch.

  • Ongoing Support

    Our dedication to excellence extends beyond launch. Ongoing support is a crucial part of our journey. We remain by your side, offering timely updates, security patches, and improvements. Our committed support team is available to address user queries and concerns, ensuring that your app maintains peak performance and evolves to meet changing user needs.